Seven Day Self Care Challenge
Hi everyone, and welcome to my Seven Day Self Care Challenge,
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Self care is such an important part of living a holistically healthy life. It helps combat stress, increase confidence and self esteem. Yet even with so many wonderful benefits, few people make self care a regular part of their routine.
I’ve often heard it said that self-care is selfish, it takes too much time away from other more important things. Having spent a number of years working in the helping professions, I’ve thought those same things myself. Many, many times. I felt like my life was so much better than many others. In a way if felt like working on myself and taking time to do things to increase my happiness would decrease theirs.
Let me tell you right now, those are ridiculous thoughts. Firstly, happiness isn’t a zero-sum commodity. It is not a finite commodity, increasing your happiness doesn’t take happiness from someone else. Let be honest here in the grand scheme of things what could possibly be more important than you, your health and wellbeing? Over the years I’ve learnt that taking care of myself means I’m much more equipped to take care of others.
Self care means making sure you’re in the best mental state you can be. It mean you’re prepared to deal with stress, you’re prepared to deal with roadblocks. Practicing self care means you’re in a position to help other people with their struggles. Over time, it becomes impossible to help others if we’re not helping ourselves.
So what do you say, can you spare a couple of minutes a day to take care of yourself?
If the answer is yes, and I truly hope it is, take the challenge. Focus on yourself for a week, if you don’t feel better after you’ve lost nothing. But if you do, and I think you will, you’ll want to keep doing it week after week.
Let if know if you’re planning to try the Seven Day Self Care Challenge. I’d love to hear how it went once you’re done.
If you need any more encouragement, send me a message or take a look at my page full of positive quotes.
As always,
One Comment
Brian Ferret
Today is Friday for me. I met and chat with someone who had the same interests as me at a university campus. 🙂 Love these.
I am serious as heck when I say we need to learn to proactively take care of ourselves. This challenge is exactly what’s needed!