Most Anticipated Books of 2020
Your to-read list is about to grow! Here are the hottest and most anticipated books of 2020. The new year hasn’t even arrived and my TBR is already feeling the strain!
As I sit here wearing the worlds cutest pyjamas (which are totally appropriate to wear for answering the door and checking the mail) I just want to take a moment to explain how excruciatingly difficult it was to write this list.
As a book blogger, my goal is to recommend amazing books for you to read. As a reader, I believe every books is amazing in it’s own way and exactly what someone might need at the time. But, I can’t list them all.
One of the perks of being a book blogger is obviously having access to more book than I can ever expect to read. This is probably one of the most difficult lists I make every year.
As I was flipping through my calendar trying to figure out which books I was most looking forward to reading, I had to narrow my list down from almost 150 possible books. Can you believe that? It’s not even 2020 and my to-read list is already 150 books long (and that’s just considering the new releases)!
Remember these are by no means the only books I’m looking forward to, but they are the ones I’m most excited about already. These are the books I will likely pre-order as soon as I possibly can to make sure I read them and don’t let other pesky life commitments get in the way. There’s even a few that I’ve already pre-ordered.
Seriously, I’m so looking forward to every one of these amazing titles.
Most Anticipated Books of 2020
Want More?
My most anticipated new releases of 2019 RIGHT HERE.
Or maybe you would rather read The Best Books of 2019. There are some amazing stories on this list and I can’t recommend them enough.
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*** I have no idea of any books from this list will be available for free through this program, but I recommend it anyway.
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