Schedule Pins on Pinterest for free
Blogging 101

Schedule Pins on Pinterest

How to Schedule Pins on Pinterest

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links from Amazon and other networks which means I earn from qualifying purchases.

For as long as I have been blogging, successful bloggers have been stressing the importance of scheduling pins. I’m not afraid to admit, I LOVE Pinterest – to the point where the hubby might call it an addiction. Not to worry, I can stop anytime, if I wanted to, which I don’t. There are so many awesome workout plans, cupcake recipes, and cleaning schedules right at my fingertips.

Blogging wise, Pinterest is amazing! It’s my biggest traffic source and honestly, I don’t know where my blog would be without it. That’s not really a secret in the blogging world, every how-to guide will tell you Pinterest and SEO are the two traffic sources to focus on. SEO is hard, so I’ve chosen Pinterest.

For the past several months, bloggers have been promoting Tailwind as a must-have blogging tool. It gives you the ability to schedule your pins so you don’t have to worry about being online all the time. Which is handy, in theory.

Now here’s another confession, I don’t use Tailwind. I signed up for a free trial, scheduled 2 pins and decided I preferred to do things the old-fashioned way. I also prefer not to pay for things I can do myself. Manually pinning every day gives me results I’m happy with so I haven’t seen a reason to fix something that isn’t broken.

A few months ago, I heard people suggesting Pinterest would be rolling out a scheduling feature. While I thought that sounded like a great idea, I wasn’t super hopeful. I pretty much just shrugged and went on about my business and didn’t think about it again until this morning.

This morning when I went to Pin, I noticed something different, something rather unusual. A button prompting me to schedule my pins for a later date! 

Just because I don’t feel inclined to use Tailwind doesn’t mean I don’t see the benefit of being able to schedule pins. Especially with the holidays just around the corner! I am so excited to start using this feature!

Schedule Pins on Pinterest for free

How to Schedule Pins on Pinterest

1| Create a Pin

You’re going to start things like you always do when you manually pin, by clicking on the create Pin button on the top right.

Schedule Pins for free

2| Create Your Pin

Again, this isn’t any different from what you would normally do. You’re going to upload your image, copy the link, write a description and select the board you want to add your pin to. Sound familiar? Good.

The only thing you need to do differently is clicking the fancy “publish at a later date” button.

Schedule Pins on Pinterest for free

3| Schedule Your Pin

This is the part you’re here for! You’re going to click that Publish at a later date button.

Set the Date

Schedule Pins on Pinterest for free

Set the Time

Schedule Pins on Pinterest for free

Like magic, it will appear on your Pinterest board exactly when you asked it too. That’s pretty neat, right?

4| Confirm

See, it says Pin Scheduled and confirms the date and time I scheduled it for. Pretty awesome, huh?

Schedule Pins on Pinterest for free


Other Questions

I don’t know about you, but when I see a new feature on something that I’ve used and loved for a long time I always have a million questions. So I’m going to try my best to answer the most pressing questions I have. Obviously, I’m assuming other people are wondering the same things I have. I haven’t seen much from Pinterest regarding scheduled Pins and as we all know things change quickly, so learn what you can and go with the flow.

First things first, you’re going to need a business account to do this. It’s free to upgrade and there are hundreds of tutorials talking you through that process if it’s something you want to do.

How many Pins can I have scheduled at one time?

You can have up to 30 pins scheduled at a time. From what I understand that’s about the same as the free Tailwind membership.

Where do I find my scheduled Pins?

If you go to your profile page and click on the tab that says “Pins” you’ll find a section called “Scheduled Pins”

Can I edit my scheduled Pins?

Edit might be a strong word. You have the option to publish now or delete. Hopefully, there will one day be an option to edit the time it gets published and the description, but if you really mess it up you can always delete and start over again.

How far in advance can I schedule my Pins?

It looks like you can schedule them about 3 weeks in advance.

Final Thoughts

Scheduling pins is an awesome way to make sure your Pinterest account stays active even when you’re busy. I know there are some bloggers out there who schedule 50+ pins a day and obviously, 30 isn’t going to be very helpful for them.

But for bloggers like me who have been relying on manual pinning, I think it’s a great option to relieve some of the stress of trying to get online and pin things during peak times. Especially when life and family obligations have to come first.

Let’s Talk

Do you schedule pins? Will you be trying the new schedule pins feature? Have you already tried it? How have you found it?

As always,

Love, Sawyer Logo



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