Hot new gay paranormal romance novels
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Hot new MM paranormal romance novels

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MM paranormal romance novels are my go to comfort reads. When my world feels like it’s falling apart and everything just feels like a bit too much, I need an escape.

I think many of us here realize the power of books.

Normally I’m a big fan of contemporary LGBT romance novels. However, when I really need to escape, I need something different.

When I pick up one of the amazing MM paranormal romance novels from the list I’m about to share with you or any other paranormal romance novel, my goal is not to hope for my happily every after or to remind myself that good things happen.

My goal is to forget about all the bad things I see every day. That doesn’t happen if I’m reading a story that could take place in the world I live in.

I want dragons, and wolves and wizards to take my mind off everything else.

These books deliver.

New MM paranormal romance novels

What makes these special?

Wyn by Lily Mayne If you haven’t already read the blurb for this one, you need to do so. There is something so compelling about monsters and humans falling in love.

Like it or not, we all have a dark side. We all have pieces we truly believe no one will be able to love.

Seeing those pieces met with compassion, acceptance and empathy is powerful. Perhaps we will all have a bit more hope at the end of that book.

Mongrel by Lee Colgin Firstly the cover… do we really need to go any further. I know I’m not the only one here who chooses books based on the cover and the cover alone.

I don’t care what this book is about, I need to experience this story.

Luckily for me, it actually sounds good. This book has been described as a fluffy paranormal/ historical romance featuring a werewolf and a vampire. I don’t know exactly what it is buts something about that just works and I NEED to read this one.

Want more?

I know that feeling.
How about some gay fairy tale retellings? Maybe you just need more paranormal romance novels.
No matter what you’re looking for, I’ve got you covered.

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*** It looks like a few books on this list including Awakened and Betrayed are available for free through this program.

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MM paranormal romance novels

must read mm paranormal romance books


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