The Scariest Books you will Ever Read
Today we have a list of the scariest books you will likely ever read!
A word of caution before you start reading you probably don’t want to read these books if you’re home alone or hoping to go to bed shortly. These tales will have you lying awake and hiding under the covers.
I’m not going to lie, generally I prefer my horror fix in movie form. Horror movies are my favorite recipe for cuddles! Throw on the comfortable, yet totally cute Pjs, grab a throw blanket that’s big enough for two and you’re night is off to a great start.
Make some popcorn, grab a bottle of wine you’re pretty much on my dream date…
I love scary movies. Scary books on the other hand, my goodness, there are few other things that can keep me up all night in the same way a well written horror novel can.
While they are not something I tend to indulge in regularly – I have a grown up job that I need to be well-rested for – I treasure every chance I get to lose myself in the dark recesses of someone’s mind.
Before we get to the list, you should probably know, these books are dark. They may even contain potentially upsetting and triggering content. You all know, I have no problem pointing out triggers and such when I read romance novels, because I believe romance novels should be happy.
Horror, however, is probably not what you read when you want to go to your happy place. Just know that these books are scary, dark and occasionally disturbing. They are pretty much the opposite of the happy feel good titles I usually recommend. Which just might be why I love them so much.
The Scariest Books You’ll Ever Read
Want More?
You can find a list of Paranormal Romance Novels you absolutely have to read RIGHT HERE.
Or maybe you would rather read A Dark Romance Novel These books will make you so uncomfortable you’ll squirm.
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*** I have no idea of any books from this list will be available for free through this program, but I recommend it anyway.
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