Sex, not Love by Vi Keeland
Sex, not Love takes us on a grand adventure and shows us just how easily a no strings attached fling can become so much more.
SEX, NOT LOVE by Vi Keeland
Publication Date: January 15, 2018
Genre: Romantic Comedy, Romance
Source: Purchased
Publisher:C. Scott Publishing
Length: 300 pages
Story Rating: 4/5
Life isn’t about the big win. It’s about the person you call first to tell that you’ve won.
Vi Keeland is one of my ALL TIME favorite authors. I absolutely loved this book. The men in her books are always confident and upfront without being vulger and giving off a creepy vibe and Sex, not Love is no exception. I have no idea how she does it, truth be told I stop reading books all the time because one of the characters is too pushy or forward and it makes me feel uneasy. I appreciate tasteful dirty talk and that’s something Vi’s books always deliver. Don’t get me wrong Hunter is forward but it’s feels sweet and respectful. I absolutely love a book-boyfriend who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to go get it.
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I couldn’t put this book down and I think there was a goofy grin on my face the whole time. The chemistry between Hunter and Natalia was intense and I couldn’t wait for them to finally give in to eachother. While the book was sweet, silly and engaging it dealt with bigger issues that affect relationships. Issues that many writers wouldn’t try to conquer. Vi managed to go there and not trivilize a very real, very touchy issue. I laughed a lot, I mean what kind of girl gives a guy her moms phone number? What kind of guy wins her mom over? I know, right? Swoon. You know he’s special when mom approves.
Trust was like glass. When it broke, it shattered, and even if you managed to glue it all back together again, there were always fissures. It was never as strong as when it was whole.
The characters were well developed and relatible. Every action, every decision they made felt just like something my friends or I would have done. The twist was unexpected and very well written. I laughed with the characters, I had to fight back tears. To be honest, there’s not a whole lot I would change.
“You look beautiful tonight. I like your hair up.”
“Thank you.”
“I can’t wait to yank it down later.”
I think a tell tale sign of a good book is when you feel like you’re a part of the story and invested. That was absolutely the case with this one. I stayed up until almost 2:00 AM trying to finish this book. Typically I skim a lot when I read but I found myself invested enough that I wanted to read every word on the page, I just didn’t want this book to end.
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