Coming Home by Audrey Wick
Book Reviews,  Bookish

Coming Home by Audrey Wick

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Coming Home takes us back to the town of Seguin Texas where we watch college professor Mallory regain her confidence and heal after receiving some threats online.

Coming Home by Audrey Wick

COMING HOME by Audrey Wick

Publication Date:  July 26, 2018
Genre: Women’s Fiction, Romance
Publisher: Tule Publishing
Length: 320 pages
Story Rating: 4/5

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Apparently, there’s a secret moving company, one only authors have access to. A moving company where the men they send to move your belongings are attractive! I’ve read a few books in the last couple of months which featured attractive movers. Let me tell you, I’m jealous.

Anyway, let’s get this show on the road. The cover is adorable. It’s cute and sweet, just like the story.

Coming Home takes us on Mallory’s healing journey after a student’s online behavior leaves her shaken and afraid.  This is women’s fiction. Not romance.  This book is Mallory’s story. The relationship is secondary to her journey. So if you pick this up make sure you’re in the right mood.

I rarely read books I could share with my mother, but this was one of them. Perfect timing too, I’ve drawn out my last parent appropriate book about as long as I can.

Several months ago, I reviewed Ms. Wick’s debut novel, Finding True North. It was a good book, just not for me. My biggest problem was I struggled to relate to the main character. There was nothing wrong with the writing, or the story even, it was just too far removed from my experiences.

This book features a young, attractive, well-educated woman – pretty much how I like to think of myself. She was the victim of some an online threat. Again, right there with her. After all, I just up and moved to a new website because of messages I was getting.

I have to say, when you can relate to the character, Ms. Wick does a wonderful job of giving just enough detail for you to fill in the blanks with your own experiences. In this day and age, I feel certain everyone has received a hostile message online at one time or another. While the content of the post that had Mallory so worked up is never explicitly revealed, it was still easy enough to understand her feelings.

I was right there with Mallory as she navigated her way through the emotional turmoil of having a student threaten her. I felt her confidence drop as she took a break from the job she has had for years. Mallory was a character I could relate to, I would have reacted in much the same way had I found myself in her situation.

One thing I have to say is the quality of the writing in this book was phenomenal. In a way that went beyond an understanding of grammar and good editing.

Overall, Coming Home was a great choice for a summer read. I would recommend it to anyone who knows what it’s like to be threatened online and understands the impact such things can have on a persons confidence and day-to-day life.

If you enjoy women’s fiction such as this, you might also enjoy A Wish for Us or All Your Perfects.

As always,

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