Questions To Ask Yourself Every Morning
I’m sure we can all agree it’s easy to fall into a negative slump. Here are three questions to ask yourself every morning to increase your positivity all day.
The Questions To Ask Yourself Every Morning
I’m not going to lie, I’m not a morning person, never have been. Mornings are always tough for me, from my blaring alarm to having to get out of bed, to the terrible minutes I have to wait before my coffee is brewed.
I try to start my day off by coming up with three positives.
- Something I’m thankful for in my past.
- Something I’m happy about in my present.
- Something I’m looking forward to in the future.
Sometimes I do this first thing in the morning while I’m still lying in bed, other times I do it while I’m drinking my morning coffee. Once you get used to it the entire thing only takes a minute but sets you up with a positive outlook that lasts the rest of the day.
Why I Started Answering Them
I’ll admit when I first started this routine, it took a little while. Sometimes I felt like the positives weren’t monumental enough. That mindset provided for some interesting self-reflection. Appreciating the little things is a skill something I struggled with for a long time.
I remember the first time I tried this; it was to remind myself this too shall pass that my current struggles wouldn’t be around forever. My professional environment was toxic my self-esteem was at an all-time low. I was caught in this perpetual cycle of negativity, nothing was ever good enough.
Answering these questions was difficult for a while. I remember days where my answers would be”
- I’m thankful for the pay cheque I received on Friday.
- I’m happy I didn’t tell my boss what I was really thinking yesterday.
- I’m looking forward to being done with work for the day.
, I wasn’t in a great place back then. As the weeks went on, I got better and better at picking out the little positives – the perfect cup of coffee I had in the morning, nice enough weather to walk to work… suddenly, I was finding positives everywhere!
My Answers Today
Here are my answers from this morning:
- I’m thankful for the times my boss made me feel less than because it taught me to have a thick skin.
- I’m happy to be woken up before my alarm with cuddles and purrs from my cat.
- I’m looking forward to the release of All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover on July 19. I’ve had this book pre-ordered for over a month. She is one of my absolute favorite authors and the reviews have been incredible.
Some people write these things down, I don’t. To be honest, I’ve never been good at the journaling thing, I skip a day for whatever reason, get frustrated and never do it again. So when I started this, I decided just having those thoughts every day would be enough for me. I’m just here for the positive outlook. I’ve stuck with it for nearly 5 years, so it’s certainly working.
No matter the time of day, take a couple of minutes and tell me what you’re thankful for.
This exercise is also a great complement to my Seven Day Self Care Challenge. This challenge encourages you to remember how worthy and valuable you are, for the next seven days and beyond – even if it doesn’t always feel that way.
As always,
Melitta Campbell Business Coach
I love this post. I’m a big fan of gratitude and have seen this simple practice make a big difference in my life and business. I’m also glad to hear I’m not the only one who does most of it in their mind too!
I need to start doing this. It is so easy to forget to be grateful. I need to check out your 7 day challenge! Subscribing!
I’ve really been working on focusing on gratitude as well! This is a great way to start the day!
Sara | mshealthesteem.com
Graritude is so powerful! And amazing for our health. I think a gratitude activity like this is truly the best way to start your day. It paves the way towards so much goodness 😊. Thanks for sharing such wonderful self care inspiration ♡
You have a great way to maintain a positive attitude. I often tend to overthink stuff, so I sometimes try split second decisions and not think about the past or future (only in case of little everyday things of course). It often helps me keep a positive attitude.