Vicarious Thrills
You might be asking yourself, what is a vicarious thrill? Why would I want to read about such things? Well, sometimes we might find ourselves wondering what it would be like to experience something without putting our lives or limbs at risk. Vicarious Thrills are exactly what you’re looking for.
This is the time of the year when I’m sure we call all use a little more excitement in our lives, some thrills we can share with our friends. The problem is, excitement is not only dangerous but requires us to leave the comfort of our living room behind.
Fear not though, I have the perfect solution. The books on this list will have your heart racing and your adrenaline pumping all from the comfort and safety of your home. It’s perfect, isn’t it?
This book list will give you all the vicarious thrills you could possibly want. Ever wondered what it would be like to be stranded on the Andes? Imagined walking the Application Trail? Had nightmares about being on a sinking ship?
Whatever your thrill of choice, the perfect book for you is on this list.
Edge of your seat thrills not your thing? No problem, here’s a list of Steamy Summer Reads or some of 2019’s Hottest New Releases
These books will have your clenching your teeth and looking around the room to double check that you aren’t really in any danger, they are so engaging.
I’m confident you will find yourself lost between the pages of each and every book on the list. Possibly even putting off such necessary tasks and showering and eating. I’m always torn regarding whether that’s a good or bad thing.
Regardless of the effect reading instead of showering is going to have on my personal life, I love a good book and I think it speaks very highly of the author if I find myself that lost in the pages.
These non-fiction or lightly fictionalized reads are perfect for the armchair adrenaline junkie in us all. Experience all the excitement the world has to offer without ever having to leave your home.
Vicarious Thrills: Books for the Armchair Adrenaline Junkie

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