Why I Read Before Bed, and You Should Too.
Today is a pretty exciting day here at Love, Sawyer. Why? Well, it’s taco Tuesday! It’s also they day I get to share my first ever guest post! It’s about reading before bedtime, a topic very close to my heart. I’m super excited!
So let me tell you a bit about our guest today. His name is Brian Ferrett and he blogs about all things sleep over at My Sleepy Ferret. Make your way over there and see all the awesome things he has been up to.
Like I said, Brian blogs all about sleep which is my second favorite thing to do in the bedroom. The first is reading, if you were curious. I know what you were thinking, and it wasn’t reading, was it? 😉
Anyway, he was kind enough to use his expertise and put together a post about reading before bedtime. Turns out there’s actually a lot of benefits.
What Reading Before Bedtime Can Do For You
Reading can have a lot of benefits outside of knowing more about the topics we read. We can
read for enjoyment or for insight. What about reading for sleep?
Fortunately, there are studies that indicate the positive effects of reading before bedtime.
Reading can also have beneficial consequences we might not have known.
So how does reading before bedtime help? In this post, we will examine how it helps and the strategy you can employ to make reading a part of your nighttime routine.
The Effects Of Reading
It’s difficult to fall asleep when we are stressed or anxious. Reading each day before we snooze
can reset our physiological responses and help us ease into bedtime.
Dr. David Lewis, a cognitive neuropsychologist from the University of Sussex has found that
reading can reduce stress levels by 68% (source). This is accomplished from a mere 6 minutes
of reading! We can essentially put ourselves to sleep by reading for ourselves.
Reading also forces us to be more present and mindful of the moment. If you feel anxious
because of something that can happen or find yourself thinking about your past frequently, it’s
difficult to do either of these two as you are reading. The eye movement required and the
demand on the brain power needed to understand the meaningful messages from a book can
take your mind off of the most stressful of times. That way, you can start the next day strong by
having a good night’s rest today.
Reading is also known to make you more empathetic and is associated with slowing the
cognitive decline in senior adults. It’s no wonder even the National Sleep Foundation
recommends reading as an activity to wind down the body and shift into sleep mode. You can
also learn more about sleep and better sleep practices from MySleepyFerret.
How Should We Start Reading?
One quick point we must make is to avoid reading from a screen. This applies to smartphones,
e-readers, and laptops. The blue light emitted from the screens increase mental alertness and
wakefulness, which isn’t good for our sleep.
What you can do is choose a book beforehand. You can do your research on summaries online,
then visit a nearby library to borrow the book or go to a bookstore to purchase it. Alternatively, you
can order the book online through websites like Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Our
recommendation is to pick out at least 3 books and have them beside your bed when it’s time to
read. That way, you can pick and choose whichever one is the most interesting to you at the
As an easy guideline, you can immerse yourself in reading for 5 minutes each night.
Remember, only 6 minutes is enough to reduce your stress by more than half its level. You can
read longer as you become more comfortable with the routine.
You won’t have to read quickly or anything. If you are concerned about reading too slow, you
can bet that over time, our minds become fluent and proficient in what it does. That means the
more you read, the quicker it can become at comprehending the words on the pages and
making sense of what it is you are reading. In turn, you become better and quicker at reading
You don’t necessarily have to read a book in order to “become more empathetic” or “to get
smarter”. These are good goals and directions to have! It’s especially important if you are
starting out to read books that you simply enjoy without self-judgment or criticism.
Go with the flow, pick out the 3, and read for 5 minutes each night. You’ll be surprised how
much your life, your attitude, and your sleep can transform!
Final Thoughts
We hope this post enlightens and encourages you to read before bedtime if you don’t already.
It’s a perfect way to calm down for the night and end the day on a positive note. All the benefits
of reading are scientifically backed, and even just 5 minutes a night can do wonders for our
mind and well-being. If you don’t already read before bed, try starting tonight!
Share your bedtime routine. What are you reading tonight? How has reading before
bedtime helped you?
Having a hard time figuring out what to read before bedtime tonight? Take a gander through my book reviews for some wonderful recommendations.
butterflies and boundaries
Totally agree!! Great post xx
I love reading before bed. I’ll be reading Fawkes by Nadine Brandes this evening.
Love, Sawyer
I’ve seem so many positive reviews for that book. I hope it lives up to the hype!
Brian Ferret
Hi Sawyer, thank you for having me! It was a pleasure writing for you and your readership.
One book I’m reading today is the 12 Rules of Life by Jordan Peterson. Great book with great words to live by!
Love, Sawyer
Thanks so much for stopping by! 12 Rules of Life sounds awesome. I picked up a copy back in February, I hope I’ll get a chance to read it soon.
entertainingly nerdy
I’m glad I read before I sleep! I agree though it does help me fall asleep better on the days that I’m stressed out.
Me too! Reading is such a great way to relax after a long day.
Saturday Nite Reader
I need to invest in a really good reading night light!
Oh, wow! I didn’t even realize reading night lights were a thing. Now that I know they exist I have to get one, lol.
Empress DJ
I read every night in bed on my kindle – loves my kindle!
I love my kindle too! It’s such a wonderful piece of technology.
Kate @ Bitch Bookshelf
WOW – awesome post! Makes me feel good about my little nightly habit. 😉
Aww, yay! I’m so glad to hear that!
I have been so busy to read at night, but I totally agree with your reasons. This makes me want to pick up a book and read before bed.
Great post 🙂
I read every night before bed and usually it’ll help me unwind and settle down. But I have been known to fall into the trap of reading until 3am because I couldn’t put the book down.
Cora | http://www.teapartyprincess.co.uk
Bookworms corner blog spot
Great post. I always read before bed. In fact it’s pretty much how I spend my relaxing time. To sleep I listen to audiobooks. It stops stressful thoughts.
Thanks! I really like the idea of listening to audio books too fall asleep, I might have to try that one day.
Amanda McGill
I always read before bed!
I’m astonished of the fact that by reading for only 6 minutes, stress decreases by half. I read, but I read from a screen and I get that the blue light is bad, but would it be okay if the night screen is activated? Thanks!
Chana, http://www.weforthree.com
I know, right? 6 minutes is nothing and for such a huge payoff it seems like an easy decision. I’m a pretty big supporter of the idea that something is better than nothing. Reading from a screen might not be the best option but as long as you’re not having a hard time falling asleep because of it I think you’ll be fine. 🙂
I read everyday before going to bed. I really helps me relax and reduce stress.
Susan Peck/Call To Excellence
I wholeheartedly agree with this – I’ve always read before bed, ever since I was old enough to read a book by myself. It’s neat to learn the science behind why this is so good for you – thanks for sharing!
couldn’t agree more! my husband and I read everynight before bed and our son does too. I”ve always done it since I was a child. most people think they don’t have time to read but if they just put down their phone and read a little each night, in no time you’ve read a book!
tachira wiltshire
With this excellent preparation. I know you will ace these classes. My challenge with studying online would be the distraction of being online. I admire your discipline. I have trouble staying focused.
Ifeoluwa Anani
Reading a great book can definitely help reduce stress. I pray every night which helps even more
Stephanie Jane
I don’t think this would work for me. Only reading for five minutes I mean. I’d have to start going to bed a good couple of hours before I intended to try and sleep!
Amy Ermie
I have always read before bed (well that felt a little Suessy lol) and I always will. I look forward to it every night, because I know it will relax me, at least some.
This is such a great reminder of how calming reading is! Wonderful post!
Sucker For Coffee
I make sure I read a chapter or two before going to bed. It helps me sleep much better actually.
A Voracious Reader
I have a question: Who only reads for six minutes?! Is that even possible?! *mind boggles*