YA books with LGBT themes
Firstly, a huge thank you to the parents who emailed requests for a list of YA books with LGBT themes.
There are two really amazing things about reading. The first is seeing yourself in the characters on the page. The second is exploring different perspectives and seeing the world through another set of eyes.
I think that first benefit of reading, seeing yourself in the pages is yet more important for young adults. It can be lonely and alienating to watch movies, tv shows and read books and see, time and time again, that there isn’t anyone like you. It’s so important for young people to see that not only can they be the hero of their story but that they can have their happily ever after.
So here is a list of young adult books that feature LGBT characters or themes.
While I rarely delve into the young adult world of books, I can tell you that you don’t have to be a young adult to enjoy them. These books deal with some very tough and very real issues that are relevant to people of all ages.
YA books with LGBT themes
Why You’ll Love These Books
If I was Your Girl by Meredith Russo
This is the story of a trans girl written by a trans woman. It’s an eye opening read that deals with some heavy subject matter including bullying and depression. This is a book that will stay with you long after you’ve closed the cover.
I’ll Give you the Son by Jandy Nelson
Probably one of the most moving books I’ve ever read. The characters were so well developed. While this is a love story, you will cry. When I say cry, I mean ugly cry – you’re going to want to buy a box of tissues before you start reading this one.
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*** The books available here change regularly, and since these books haven’t yet been published, I’m not sure which titles from this list will be available for free through the program. Nonetheless, I have to recommended it as it’s one of the ways I manage to feed my book addiction without going broke.
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Let’s Talk
Do you read a lot of YA books? What would you like to see added to this list?