Make the most of your free time
Do you ever wish you had more free time? What would you do with it?
In today’s busy society, free time is something most of us don’t get very often. Between work, kids, and every other thing on our plate, we spent so much of our time and energy doing things we have to do, not what we want to do. How amazing would it be to spend more time doing things we actually enjoy.
For most of us, retiring and living a life of leisure isn’t a possibility any time soon. In all honesty, would we even want to. Can you have too much free time? Too much of a good time? Interestingly, research shows that having too much free time can negatively impact your well being. I get it, too much free time sounds like a blessing to those of us who don’t have enough free time.
Let’s make the most of the hand we’ve been dealt by figuring out how to make the most of the free time we do have. Living a life we enjoy is the greatest form of self care.
Maximizing your downtime so that you get the most from the time you spend away from work is a great way to make your evenings and days off more enjoyable. There is nothing worse than getting to the end of a long weekend and feeling like you have wasted it, but these tips should help you to make that a thing of the past.
Make a Plan
Sometimes, doing nothing feels great. When you have been busy all week long putting out fires and dealing with crisis after crisis, using your weekend to chill out and recharge your batteries by simply relaxing is a great idea. But, spending every weekend and evening simply at home without doing anything at all can make the time drag by slowly and leave you feeling like you have wasted your time off. Speaking for myself, I want to do more than work and watch everything on Netflix.
To prevent this from happening, it is a great idea to make plans for the weekend so you are not stuck trying to decide what to do and wasting your precious downtime. Your plans do not need to be anything extravagant; you may choose to simply meet a friend for coffee and then spend time at home watching your favorite movie. The important thing is to decide what you want to do before the weekend arrives so you don’t waste it trying to make last-minute plans or doing nothing at all.
Decision paralysis is a real thing especially if you’ve spend the a 40+ hour week in survival mode. Having a bit of a plan, or at least one thing to do during your down time can leave you feeling like you’ve accomplished something over the weekend.
Learn Something New
If you want to add extra excitement to your spare time, learning something new is a great endeavor. Developing an interest in sport is a popular pastime that many people throughout the world enjoy. Download an app and learn a new language … learn a new sport, perhaps cricket, by scrolling websites like https://sportnews.in/Cricket. Pick a team, learn the rules and start watching their games, you might even make a few new friends while you’re at it.
My favorite people ever are the ones who have a passion for things I know nothing about. Tell me all about the moths sleep cycle, the diet of roman gladiators, or how the world would be different if everyone gardened. Learning something new, finding something you’re passionate about is a great way to breath new life into your spare time.
Read More Books
If you’ve spent any time on this blog, you know this is my favorite thing to do in my free (or not so free) time. Reading is always a worthwhile pursuit. No matter what you read, enjoying a good book will always be time that is well-spent. Reading in your spare time will help you feel calm and relaxed while also keeping you entertained and even improving your sleep. There is nothing like getting lost in the pages of a good book to make your spare time pass in an enjoyable way and to feel like you are using it wisely.
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