March 2020 – New Romance Novels
Welcome to March 2020 and my list of all the books we need to read this month!
Fair warning, this is a big list. There are so many amazing new romance novels being released over the next few weeks and I want to read them all. Will I actually read them all? Not likely beause I have a day job and life commitments that sadly have to come before reading but my goodness, I want to.
March 2020 book releases
What Makes These Books Special?
I’m so glad you asked!
Dear Enemy by Kristen Callihan
Enemies to lovers is one of my absolute favorite romance tropes and Kristen Callihan is the author of some of my favorite hockey romance novels. Now, this is not a sports romance in any way, our hero is a movie star and our heroine a chef. But, my goodness, it still sounds amazing. I anticipate all sorts of tension and witty banter in this one.
Wicked Embrace by Olivia Boothe
Have you ever wondered what some of my first blog posts were like? To be honest it feels a little bit cringe-worthy when I look back at some of my earlier posts.
Wicked Embrace is the sequel to Wicked Dance, one of the first books I reviewed as a book blogger. You will want to read Wicked Dance first, but I’m sure it will be a worthwhile investment of your reading time. These books deal with a lot of heavy issues and are sure to provide a welcome break from the light and fluffy romance we’re all used to.
Shades of Henry by Amy Lane
This is a book that has been on my TBR since I first heard whispers about it. Firstly, I’m a sucker for books that features adult entertainers, strippers, escorts or any other person in an adult oriented field. Secondly, I’m also a sucker for secrets, painful pasts and stories of healing… This book is so my jam and I can not wait to get my greedy hands on a copy. Oh, did I mention this is an MM Romance – my absolute favorite sub genre? This may be my most anticipated read of the month, I hope it lives up to my expectations.
Reborn Yesterday by Tessa Bailey
This is a paranormal romantic comedy, not my usual cup of tea but after reading the blurb there is simply no way I can pass this one up. Let me be very clear about something though – just because I don’t read a lot of paranormal romance novels doesn’t mean I dislike them. I do read a handful of them every year. It’s just they’re usually books I didn’t realize were paranormal or I accidentally stumble across them like I did with this one. I also adore romantic comedies so this is sure to be a win. Plus, who doesn’t want to spend a weekend falling in love with a vampire?
Number Neighbors by Emma Hart
I adore Emma Hart’s romantic comedies. Fair warning these books are best read in private. It’s not because there are many scenes that will make you blush, but because there are so many places that will make you laugh. There is nothing worse than laughing out loud when you’re alone in your cubicle.
Without You by Marley Valentine
Try not to drool all over the cover. It’s hot, isn’t it? This is one of those stories where heart break and tragedy turn into love. In my opinions that’s one of the hardest things anyone can do – find the silver lining, create something beautiful out of something so bleak. I can’t wait to see how she does it.
Want More?
I have a Romance Reading Challenge Every week features a different romantic trope! Doesn’t that sound fun?
Perhaps you want to see the best MM Romance Novels of 2019 or my most anticipated new releases of 2020?
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Some Tips from an Avid Reader
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*** The books available here change regularly, and since these books haven’t yet been published, I’m not sure which titles from this list will be available for free through the program. Nonetheless, I have to recommended it as it’s one of the ways I manage to feed my book addiction without going broke.
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Let’s Talk
What new releases are you most looking forward to this month? Am I missing anything amazing? Let me know in the comments.