October 2018 Monthly Wrap Up
Fun Stuff

October 2018 Wrap Up

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October 2018 Monthly Wrap Up

Halloween is over! This year is flying by. It seems like Valentines day was just last month and now it’s November. Did anyone else eat too much candy? Ya, you too?  Thank goodness, I knew I wasn’t the only one.

I haven’t done a monthly wrap up before, but I’m thinking I should start. It seems like everyone else does it and I want to be one of the cool people too.

What did the motivational speaker ask the bottle of water?
Do you have what it takes to be a liter?

If you liked that joke I tell a new one every month in my newsletter. I also tell you all the fun things I’ve been doing and send you a self care calendar with fun self care activities you can do every single day. You’re missing out if you’re not on it. Sign up here:


Can’t wait a whole month for more jokes? Here are 100 awesome Halloween jokes. You can bookmark it and thank me next year. 😉

Let’s Talk About October

It was a long month, 31 whole days. It got cold where I live, snowed a couple of times. I’m pretty upset about that. You might have seen me complain about it here and here.

But, this is a happy place and we’re going to talk about happy things. Like the time I found myself on a list of Top Romance Book Bloggers. I’m number 20 – check me out!

I’ve also had a great time making all sorts of book lists. Who knew it could be so much fun? It makes sense, I absolutely love lists. I’m one of those people who has a list for everything. Since I love books, combining the two is pretty wonderful.  Can making book lists be a hobby?

On a less positive note, books. Oh my goodness, I’ve been trying to read some doozies. I don’t know what’s going on. I’m DNFing left, right and center. For a while I thought it was a problem with me and I just didn’t enjoy reading anymore. Has that happened to anyone else?

It’s quite an unnerving feeling. I’ve loved reading for a long time. Suddenly it’s not enjoyable anymore. By not enjoyable I mean, I’ve chosen house work over reading multiple times. I know, it’s shocking!

It’s been a super frustrating 10 weeks. But I think it’s a problem with the books.  I found a bunch of highly rated free books and enjoyed most of them. But the books I’m supposed to review have been underwhelming and I’m not sure what to do about that.

Maybe it’s not actually a slump I’m just burnt out. For some reason I thought I’d get burnt out from my ‘real’ job before my hobbies, but I guess it makes sense.

I did manage to get reviews up for Game Changer by Rachel Reid, Boy Shattered by Eli Easton, Marriage Lessons by Katie Allen, Craft Brew by Layla Reyne, and No Ordinary Texas Billionaire by Eve Gaddy. Looks like I’ve done a lot of reading this month, but only one was actually read in October. I usually have my reviews written 6 – 8 weeks before I publish them. Which means I’ve pretty much run of previously written reviews now.

Likely, I’m going to have to make some changes. A part of me is tempted to start reviewing Archie comics and cook books. Anyone interested in that? My mom just sent me some amazing cookbooks. I have such a long list of things to make before Christmas, I’m looking forward to trying all the new recipes.

Some more exciting news if you don’t feel like you get enough of me from my blog, I’ve joined the world of Instagram. It would make me super happy if you followed me there.

What Can You Expect in November?

I’m hoping there will be more book reviews, those are my favorite. I’ve read a couple of books I wouldn’t normally consider: A horror/ thriller title called The Mansion by Ezekiel Boone and Undisputed: How to Become the World Champion in 1372 Easy Steps by Chris Jericho which is the story of a WWE Wrestler and not a self help book as I was initially expecting.

I’ve also read a few Christmas books which I hope to review soon.

I also have some super fun lists planned. They’re my favorite things at least until I get my reading mojo back.

Let’s Talk

Tell me all about your Halloween. Any exciting Christmas plans?

As always,

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