Playboy by Katy Evans
In Playboy by Katy Evans we meet professional poker player Cullen and gallery owner Wynn.
PLAYBOY by Katy Evans
Publication Date: July 29, 2018
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Source: Social Butterfly PR
Story Rating: 4/ 5
Romance Rating: 5/5
It isn’t a secret I’m quite fond of my book boyfriends. Thing is, there are few I would be interested in off the pages. Only two, in fact, and Cullen is one. I know everyone is wondering who the other one is. His name is Tahoe from Ladies Man which is also by Katy Evans and also in the Manwhore series. If you’re looking for a book-boyfriend, this series is a must read.
Playboy is the 5th book in Katy Evans’s Manwhore series. It can be read as a standalone, there are a few mentions of the characters from other books but you shouldn’t have too much trouble. Although I can’t recommend the rest of the series enough. When I looked at Goodreads, I found out this is the 9th book I’ve read by the author, so that’s saying a lot.
One thing which always makes me ridiculously happy is when a book is set somewhere I’m familiar with. Living in Saskatchewan that NEVER happens. So I’m read books about Montana cowboys because well, it’s close enough. This book took place in Vegas. I go there a couple times every year because it’s one of the few direct flights I have access to. But it was awesome to read about a place I’m familiar with.
Cullen was a professional poker player. I’ve never book dated a gambler before so this was a neat treat. I love Cullen; I love him so much. Aside from the whole fictional bit, I would date him. He was patient, generous, and understanding. He was also rich and good-looking, which is obviously a nice bonus.
Cullen deserved so much better than Wynn. For over 70% of the book, she is still hung up on her ex-boyfriend, no one deserves that especially not someone as wonderful as Cullen.
Wynn was the only thing I didn’t like about the book. Saying there was only one thing I didn’t like is misleading in this instance. As a reader, I couldn’t relate to the leading lady. We have the ex-thing, but she was also whiny, annoying, and always seemed to find the glass half empty.
Overall, Playboy was a delightful summer read with scenes as hot as the summer sun. I would recommend it to anyone looking to make the most out of their summer reading time.
If you enjoy books like this, you might also be interested in Four Day Fling or Holding On.
As always,
This is on my TBR. Brilliant review.
Gotta love book boyfriends. Sounds like you found a winner! 😉
Empress DJ
Cullen sounds divine, and delish. I wants!
Saturday Nite Reader
Loving the new graphics!