Romance Novels set in World War II
World war II romance novels are my go to historical romantic sub genre. There is something amazing about seeing love blossom during such a horrific time.
There is so much to learn from people who have lived through such a difficult time, and so much hope in seeing love form and grow during a time more awful than I can ever imagine.
A Word of Warning
Before we get into this book list, I want to be very clear about something.
We all know terrible things happened during World War II. Reading about these things can be hard. I want to make sure you’re aware of what you can potentially be reading before you dive it.
While these are all romance novels, and all have a central romantic theme, the books still contain difficult subject matter. These books are all great, but you should be prepared for parts of these stories that will break your heart into a million pieces.
Romance Novels set in World War II
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